KaizenGallery - Christian Art

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Illustrations' Directory:


Ancient Testament : Abel and Caïn

Cana (wedding / Noces de)

Jacques le Majeur

Jesus: Curing the patients (Guérissant) / Denier of Caesar / Presentation to the Temple (au Temple) /  the Birth (Nativité) / Tomb of Jesus (Mise au Tombeau)

Job (Book of  / Livre de Job)

Judas Iscariote

Marie: Annonciation / Presentation to the Temple / The wedding of Marie (Le Mariage de la Vierge) / Marie's Death (Dormition)

Marie Madeleine

Saint Paul




General Directory of the site: topics and artists summary (Site Map)

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Copyright ©2006-2013 KaizenGallery & Associates. Terms of use / Conditions d'utilisation. Portraits et copies de Maîtres. N°3925 / 2013 - August